Bharatnatyam Class Levels:>
Kid's Yoga, Basic Steps like Tatta Adavu, Natta Adavu, Mandi Adavu etc., Hastas, Bhedas, Slokam, small compositions etc.
Introduction to the theory of Bharatnatyam and Expressions, Alaripu, Jatiswaram, Shabdam etc.
Varnam, Padam, Tillana etc.
Arangetram is the debut on-stage performance of a classical art student, after undertaking years of training. it is a public graduation performance for any art form. On the day of Arangetram, a diploma will be awarded to the graduating student.
Class Schedule:
Saturdays: 10am to 12noon, 3pm to 7pm
Sundays: 10am to 12noon, 3pm to 6pm
Weekdays: 4pm to 6pm
New Classes Starting Soon!!!
Please contact us at - 408 420 4567 or 408 594 5400
(Locations will be either at Dublin and Cupertino)